Friday, May 23, 2008

We Knit, Wii Fit!

Whoo hoo! Jenniffer and I aim to be the fittest of knitters with our newly acquired Wii Fit systems! Both of us have repeatedly whined to the other about how we were unhappy with our current bodies but yet we both kept stumbling through the realm of diet and exercise. Until May 21, 2008, that is. I had been on the fence about whether or not to purchase the new fitness system for the Wii but on the morning of May 21, I decided to see if I could track one down. Media reports that the newly released system would be hard to find strengthened my resolve to get one lest I kick myself in my extra large backside (provided my foot could reach it) later on for not getting it. My 6 year old and I headed down to Target once the 8 year old was on the bus where I found an entire endcap devoted to this glorious new promise of weightloss and fit. There were less than a dozen on the shelf - it was meant to be! I came home and took a picture of the box and patiently waited for the sun to rise on the West Coast to show Jenniffer my new hope for a slimmer, healthier me and to tell her to wake up and get herself to Target ASAP and snag one of her own. (She didn't get it at Target, but she did get one! Go Jenniffer!)

My first venture onto the Wii was a hoot. Hula hooping, getting hit by flying shoes and panda heads as I attemped to balance myself and head some soccer balls. The Wii Fit let me know that my BMI showed I was a little overweight (duh!) but promised me we'd work together to lower it. I set a goal and thus began the funnest weight loss/fitness routine I've ever done. Any time I can I run over to the tv and turn my Wii Fit on and do some aerobics, balance, strength and yoga exercises. After 2 days of fun exercising I was rewarded by my Wii Fit telling me this morning I had lost a little weight and my BMI was lowering as well. My kids love it also and they love to be my cheering section too (and sometimes my annoyance section). When my thighs stop rubbing together like two sticks trying to start a fire I will be in heaven.

Jenniffer is doing great with hers also and we text back and forth about how we do and offer lots of encouragement to each other. And wouldn't you know it, Ravelry has a Wii Fit group too and we are so there posting and encouraging on an international level.

So now we have our knitting skills improving and soon we'll be fitting into those too tight clothes shoved to the back of the closet.

Knit and Fit. That's us.

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