Monday, December 31, 2007

Starting Over

Okay, here we are. December 31, 2007. I worked a little on the sweater sampler and then realized I was knitting something that was never going to turn into a finished product so I put it aside to actually make stuff! The sampler was fun but my fingers were itching to make things that I could present to people and say, "here! I made this for you!" So it was put down and thus began a whirlwind few months of starting projects, putting some aside to start others and actually getting a few things finished. For Christmas I made several dishcloths to give as gifts to some of my fellow religious education cohorts at Church - did I get any pictures? Sadly, I did not. So that will be a definite rule for me in 2008 - photograph all finished projects! Jenniffer is still doing her thing on the West Coast and we exchanged Christmas gifts to ensure that we would have projects to begin the New Year (yeah, like that was going to be a problem!). We're both so pathetically hooked on Addi Turbo needles and our love of fine yarn it's not even funny.

So here's to the end of the year that was the absolute worst in my life. I'm not sure the new one will be much better but I've got a family that I love no matter how much they drive me crazy at times, a good friend across the country, lots of yarn and needles, and hopefully more good knitting friends as I'm finally also getting my Ravelry account up and running as well.

Happy New Year!

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